Monday, November 1, 2010

I have a blog??


Watsup guys, hai, hello (puts on SHINee - Hello lol XD) kabare, nihao, konichiwa, anyeonghasaeyo...Z-A-I-N-A-L here..haha..there you go, I said hello in all different languages that I know. Wait......what? I have a blog?? WTH!? Actually I never intended to actually make a blog (coz not really into it) but since my CTU assignment required me to make my own blog *sigh* (theres my CTU assignment down there about MSSAAS, gona delete it in 5 days). Earlier planned to terminate this blog but since I already have it, why not I just continue with it right, might be a new stuff for me to explore. btw, this blog is still under construction...haha
So basically, I named this blog World Wide Life of Z-pm (WWLZ for short) *sbb xde idea n likes 2PM* lol - epic fail XDD n yeah, gonna post sone random stuff I think, mostly about my interest, ya know.....Jpop, Kpop, Mangas n Anime, fav videos n videos that me n my friend made (Syazwan Syafiq) n maybe my own songs *maybe, x tau lah...ckp je* hahaha XD n maybe even about cute girls huh? *kening kening* xp n also interesting events that happened around me...haha. I officially post this post (LOL) today, 2 Nov '10....a day after 3 days of non-stop rain n coldness n 4 days after a tornado hit near my place O.O ...hahaha...n was greeted by a nice cold-non-raining-sunshining-day...n thus, making a vid *right after I woke up* yeah, I think thats all for now n I'll try to update as frequently as I can, yeah. Cigeumun....So Nyuh Shi Dae! LOL XD .....chiaossu ;D

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