Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bleeding pooping

Blood in stoll..or dalam bahasa kasar dia, bleeding while pooping/shitting and existence of blood in feces. I've had this thing for a long time now..i thought that it was nothing as it doesn't seem serious and the thing occurs rarely. but..for a couple of days now, i noticed that more blood is coming out while I was pooping n i thought "damn, whats goin on in there?" today, more blood came out than usual and I was a lil bit freaked out so I decided to do some searching and here's an article that I found:

Causes of Blood in Stool

Blood in the stool means there is bleeding somewhere in your digestive tract. Sometimes the amount of blood is so small that it can only be detected by a fecal occult test (a test to check for hidden blood in the stool).  At other times it may visible on toilet tissue or in the toilet after a bowel movement as bright red blood. Bleeding that occurs higher up in the digestive tract may make stool appear black and tarry.  
Possible causes of blood in stool include:
Diverticular disease. Diverticula are small pouches that project from the colonwall. Usually diverticula don't cause problems, but sometimes they can bleed or become infected.
Anal fissure A small cut or tear in the tissue lining the anus similar to the cracks that occur in chapped lips or a paper cut. Fissures are often caused by passing a large, hard stool and can be painful.
Colitis Inflammation of the colon. Among the more common causes are infections or inflammatory bowel disease.
Angiodysplasia. A condition in which fragile, abnormal blood vessels lead to bleeding. 
Peptic ulcers . An open sore in the lining of the stomach or duodenum, the upper end of the small intestine.  Many peptic ulcers are caused by infection with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Long-term use or high doses of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirinibuprofen, and naproxen can also cause ulcers.
Polyps or cancerPolyps are benign growths that can grow, bleed, and become cancerous. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the U.S. It often causes bleeding that is not noticeable with the naked eye.
Esophageal problemsVaricose veins of the esophagus or tears in the esophagus can lead to severe blood loss. 
A black, tarry stool is likely an ulcer or other problem in the upper part of the digestive tract. Bright red blood or maroon-colored stools usually indicate a problem in the lower part of the digestive tract such as hemorrhoids or diverticulitis.
As for the time being, mine is red blood and maroon-coloured that means there's a problem with my lower part of the digestive system.
I am afraid of what it might be..i don't want any of those..especially, CANCER. Maybe when I have free time, I'll go for a check up..

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Puhh..puhh..puhh! pergh..what a dusty blog i got here..dah lama x update. Ok today I decided to update my blog because I'm feeling  so happy today :) The topic? Feelings..hehe. This is the day where I experience major types of feelings. 1st of all..waking up feeling hyped and energetic while making breakfast and taking a bath. Then..comes the road rage..oh the madness..imagine that you are in a hurry and suddenly at a place that you  expect to no be jammed up, suddenly packed with lots of effing lorries. Tau2 je lah lorry macam mana kan? panjang, lembap, besar..kene pulak kat tol pulak tu..memang masak ah.. Then I decided to take another route..only to realise that the jammed route was heading towards another way..not to the road I was gonna take. Shit happens mistake for being impatient. I had to head back to Klang and go back to NKVE..other than jam, being slow is one thing, a smart tag with a low battery is that sucks, you have to reverse in order to get the card to be read if the process failed at 1st try. Its ok if no one is behind you, but of there is a driver behind you, surely you will be honked..lagilah tension. Arrived at destination..the moment you finally gonna meet someone who has been lingering in your mind and missing for about a month..that anger automatically goes away. The effect this person brings..nice :D Went out, talked about lot of things, movies, race arcade (this is one of my most fav. part :D) dah dicabar en? race je la..haha..but not bad for 1st try..hehe, it is just so nice you know? ;p Then wanted to install antivirus but there was no current..and I had to stay at her house (a nice one; I can adapt) for a nervous I tell you, but of course..very happy at the same time. So yeah..a walk around the neighbourhood,  to the back of the house, talked with the family..not really awkward as I thought it would be. You see, it was suppose to be hot there..but yeah..I didn't felt it (well, actually lambat rasa panas..huhu) ni just sebab rasa happy la kan..benda yg kecik tros ignore..haha. Took some pictures, tapi ada orang tu delete..xpelah..dalam otak ada..hehe. This is just my happiest day :D (Feelings that I felt today; 30% hyped, 20% mad, 50% happy ^.^v)